

2020年在冠状病毒肆虐中,嘉艺从ShootingStar 顺利毕业了! 回想在学校的4年学习时光,嘉艺从一个害羞,不愿讲话,第一次我们去学校帮他庆祝生日,嘉艺还忍不住大哭的小孩... ...到现在成为开心乐观,爱上课,爱学习,跟老师感情很好,顺利毕业的P1小学生! 感谢ShootingStar 有爱心和活力的老师们,指导我们在IQ和EQ都健康的成长,特别在华语教学方面,非常出色。当时择校,ShootingStar 的名气不大,我们抱着试试看的心态,中间也因为嘉艺的个性而担心,曾考虑转学。但是4年后,我们很为当初的选择庆幸,学校不在于校舍多么新,多么大,最重要还是老师们的爱心和通力合作。 特别在役期,学校也克服了种种困难,网上教学,竟然也举办了在线的毕业典礼和演出! 今天是小学第一天上课的日子,谨聊聊数语感谢ShootingStar ,希望今后办学越来越好,有更多的小朋友因此而受益。 2021年1月4日

Kara and Logan's Parents

Shooting Star helped Kara to feel safe at trying new things, explore and be more adventurous, thanks a lot for always encouraging her and giving her opportunities to grow 🙏

Janelle's Parents

Dear Ms Rea and Ms Zhou, We are very grateful for all the wonderful work and effort you and your entire school staff had taken to work towards the development of Janelle. She had indeed grown to be better by the day, from the character to certain habits such as being a Super picky eater. Both aunty Alice and Teachers took pain to encourage and reminding her the importance to finish her food and be prompt about it. It helps when the school does it and it is easier then to follow up at home. Not forgetting the ever sweet aunty who will take care of the daily cleanliness and always surprise the kids with gifts to encourage them. Such loving environment. The Teachers whom Janelle had encountered since she came in I think PG/N1, had done amazing work in helping her to love learning, always excited with songs, new words etc. Thank you Xiao Zhou Lao shi, one of the many Teachers, who always managed to calm her down when she first come and get her settled so quickly. Thank you. Special thanks to Ms Yatie and Ms Zhou (大周老師) and other teachers who have to put in extra effort and time to come out with learning packages for Janelle during the circuit breaker. All these and more enables her learning to continue and indeed impressed me on how much thinking and love Shooting Star has for developing the children. Not forgetting Ms Ros and many other Teachers had to patiently wait for me to come on the dot at 7pm to fetch Janelle. Thank you for your understanding and patience. We are always grateful to Shooting Star in making such great impact in Janelle’s impressionable years and developing her to be ready for a new phase in Primary school. Thank you to all in Shooting Star. May you continue to develop and graduate more promising and bright kids. With lots of thanks, Janelle’s parents (K2 2020)






Evelyn Chen

We sent our son Dean to Shooting Star CDC when he was 20 months old. The Centre was strongly recommended by our relative who has sent both their kids there. He is now 5 in K1 and still eager and happy to go to school. The centre provides variety of activities such as art, calligraphy, abacus as well as cooking class. Dean enjoys excursion the most, the centre organizes quite a number of excursions within the year. Besides academic learning, I really appreciate the teachers as they also emphasize on the teaching of morale value and good habits. Dean also enjoys his meal time in school, thank you aunty for the delicious cooking! Thank you Shooting Star CDC for the excellent running of the centre and the dedication of all teachers and staffs toward the children well-being. Thank you for being a positive influence on the children early school days and make their time at preschool memorable and really enjoyable! Best regards, Evelyn Chen


Shooting Star CDC is an excellent place for children to grow, learn and develop their potentials. They provide a clean and positive environment with very balanced programs which helps our children progress through different stages. I particularly appreciate the effort to reinforce positive character-building which is critical in preparing my children for the challenges that await them in the future. Kudos to all staffs at Shooting Star!

我的孩子从18个月就来ShootingStar上学,现在已经是K1的学生了,感谢ShootingStar所有老师和阿姨们一直以来对她的关心和爱护,让她在一个快乐的环境中成长。 她非常乐于参与学校的一切活动,回家后,并能用双语(华文、英文),讲述她与同伴间所发生的点点滴滴,有时候,还会告诉我明天她将要参加的活动和老师交代的任务。这些,都让我感到很欣慰与不可思议,她是那么活泼好动的性格的孩子,却能把每个课程都这么详细的说给我听。除此之外,还有学校的均衡饮食和卫生的环境,这些都是我考虑送恺欣来这间学校的原因。 再此,真诚的感谢ShootingStar老师们的专业施教!让恺欣具


我们的两个孩子(楊翕祥、楊湘绮)在2007年至2011年就读于Shooting star Child development centre (新星幼儿园)。孩子们现在即将上中学和小五。我非常喜欢这间学校的教学理念“让孩子们自己动手,做中学;重视感知觉的培养。”她们在学校度过了快乐及充实的幼儿时期。衷心的感谢学校的老师为教育孩子尽心尽力。到现在我的孩子还在告诉我,在Shootngstar当他们遇到困难时,老师都会不厌其烦地帮助他们,直到他们明白为止!Shooting star尽忠职守的老师们在我孩子的成长与发展的关键时期,她们关爱着且耐心指导我那格性较强的孩子。在品德观念上,我的孩子也学到了”饮水思源”的道理,行为举止也会为他人着想。现在孩子们自己懂得学习,我除了开心,就是要谢谢shooting star的优质服务和高端教育模式让我的俩个孩子在shooting star打下稳固的双语基础。


多谢幼儿园每位老师与厨房阿姨们的爱心,包容与关怀让每个小孩子们都能在一个快乐的环境中成长。我们非常赞赏的是幼儿园有深度的华文教育,譬如朗诵儿歌,学唐诗,有系统的接触生字,写故事等等,让语涵能在一个潛移默化的优资语文环境里,有信心且从容的踏出学习华文的第一步。在这方面,我们觉得众位中文老师的用心教导,尤其是周老师孜孜不倦的德育启蒙,让孩子们能接触並吸收中华文化,居功至伟! 在此表达我们衷心的感谢!

Louis Mom

My son loves his school, Shooting Star. All the teachers are kind, friendly and sometimes strict with their students. Teachers are trying to give them a lot of experiences such as cooking, outing, water-play etc. Nice environment.


It has been eight years since we sent our elder son to The Shooting Star, and subsequently the younger one. The teachers are always very caring and responsible. They really love our children.Both my sons love Shooting Star and their teachers very much. Previously, my elder son will come home from Shooting Star and tell me all the interesting things he did in school. Now it is my younger son’s turn. We can feel that they really had good time at Shooting Star, and they both learnt not only the knowledge but also the truth in life from them. I like the courtyard within the school premises as it allow my sons to have some fresh air and get close to the greeneries, and also the excursion, which is one of the reasons why I choose The Shooting Star.

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